hmmm im one the few people in the PH who is still awake till 3am. Well im not sure who still awake beside me.. So i make a little simple test. I found that its girlsmack79 is still awake, no surprise. Shes always consistent. Shes always awake till morning. Where did she get that strenght to wake up that late? lol as if i dont wake that late too. he3. No wonder shes my friend, there something in common between us XP. Dont kill me girlsmack ifever your reading this XP.
Oh w8. This is no right. I was about to sleep when i found out toorax09 still awake too. thats something new. Normally he is snorring at the time like this. hA3. Im keeping an eye for my friends/guildmates for quite sometime about my little survey and i found out girlmack and me are always awake at the time like this. So...
Conclusion: We need professional help XP. Maybe a nice psychiatrist will do he3. ha3 were to adictus in this game, no wonder.
k... nice to know... good job keep goin...