Looking back my past experience in WYD Global, men, look what we PH people grown to.... I never thought that after Supreme Destiny PH left us, we could recover at that short time.... I love my PH academy so much... i still help some PH people up until now. I still participate the PH league, helping the academy in every way possible. I'm a nationalistic type of guy. It my dream that someday PH will climb there way to the top.... Maybe part of my dreams to the PH are starting to came true after blitzkrieg is created. Im happy for the PH right now.
I can still remember Malays always bullying us. Yeah i hate it..
Yeah, some PH are so stubborn. Everyone in PH knows that. Until it gets to the point i left my character in PH academy and live as a guildless person. I thinks its the only way to prevent any further rage between those guys... I dont wanna mention those people because past is past. besides PH is doing so well right now. I cant wait for them be as strong as any PROs in WYD right now. GO PH!!!
The way that I've grown as a person
Ive improve a lot as a person. At first i always give and give and give and to the point that i have nothing to give. Im used to be a kind person. But i realize that its a wrong thing to do. Why? Im teaching others to be depended, which is very bad thing to do. They are starting to slack a little. How can they face bigger challenges if they're mind set is always on relying on otheres to help them. But of course not to the point that i became selfish. I share a little of my blessing to others sometime. But its just that i dont wanna be taken for granted. Im not a coiner (I am poor in short), but i can still help in different ways possible.
Also i used to be coward, im peace type of person. Its rare for me to pk someone on purpose. Because i dont wanna resort to any violence. But i realize that sometimes i have to stand my ground and fight back if ever they're causing trouble. And besides i have friends to back me up. Im so greatful i have friends like them ^^. Not to mention i was afraid to called a Noob. But i realize that being a Noob is a good thing. I remember my friend told us that its better to be noob, no one will judge you since you admit to yourself that there so much to learn in this world. Pro in wyd are sometime a noob in other things right? Nobody is perfect.
Ive gain a lot of friends... now some Pro people knows my name now and became my friends. I was so happy on that... at first I only get friends in PH because i felt much comfortable hanging out with them. But i get out of my shell and start making new friends other than PH. Thats why WYD global is the best. They're breaking the barriers of different countries, making us closer to one another as a WYDIAN.
yeah, i know i suck writings and stuff. Not to mention my grammars are not excellent... i hope i can improve as time goes by.. happy reading ^^