uno22 sure loves playing with his friend Terra in his paparazzi game. Now that is over, back to reality. Uno22 have alot of thinking, "If only I became famous" uno22 murmur to herself. I know she a cute and sexy girl but no one seems to recognize it. Besty already got a title "WYD's CHICK MAGNET" while uno22 still a nobody to everyone. Well uno22 dreams came to a reality when someone PM her that could change her life....Forever.
Uno22 do her usual stuff in the taron when someone PM him....
Mister X: hey uno22, uhmm can i ask you for something?
uno22: yes??
Mister X: i notice your so cute while sitting on the the dessert... I bet many boys find you cute too. I was wondering if you're interested to become the cover of our magazine...
uno22: really? can i? hmmm but i dont wanna show some skin and stuff... what if my mom see that? T T
Mister X: oO. what are you talking about? This magazine is NOT what you think it is. Its a magazine for young girls, fashion and girly stuff, you know. I'll just give you good shot for the magazine. Your perfect model.
uno22: I dont know... let me think.... Just give me a minute.... OK done. Ill do it.
uno22 agree to pose for a magazine. Mister X with his crew (The Photographer, the make-up artist, and a Personal Assitant for uno22.) decide to have the shots in the Noaton dessert.
Ok, for uno's first shot, she did a close up shots for the Cover of the magazine
Mister X: raise you chin a little higher, There. The camera loves you.
Then uno got her next shot siting in the dessert.
Mister X: Lets see your happy face, at the same time a high fashion pose... work it, work it..
Then after that, Mister X see a lake in the dessert.
Mister X: Ok, listen carefully. I wanna shot where you rising from the water, like in a swimming pool.
uno22: No problem. thats easy.
Mister X: OK ready 1 , 2 , 3 it, work it!. Pose pose pose! Feel the water. Splash it!
Its uno22's first time to be hired as a model. Good thing Mister X is so pro in guiding uno22's pose and stuff. uno22 seems to enjoying it.... not until the next shot...
Mister X: well the next shot will feature your tough side. I wanna see some action, the way you hunt in the dessert.
uno22: No problem.. i kill many Monster in the dessert before. How hard can it be....
uno22: I'm gonna cut you down it pieces of lumber!
uno22: Die!
uno22: No sweat.
Mister X: OK act natural... go kill that monster!
The monsters are too noob for uno22. uno22 killed them all Not until the final shot..
Mister X: ok, were almost done. The last Mobs will be Rujeper. I wanna see you slay that monster
uno22: oO. Errr.... are you kidding! That monster is too strong for me. I might get killed.
Mister X: Dont worry, i hire resser just for you in case you die..
uno22: -.-'
uno22 die, as expected. Too bad she almost got the monster killed. After the whole day of work... finally all shots are done. Now uno2 cant wait for the magazine to be release
uno22: I cant wait to see the magazine... my first step to fame. FAME! im gonna cc... er never mind. That song pops in my head again. Weird -.-'
I wonder what the magazine will be look like... find out next time. It will be released soon... Watch out for that.
lol, nice tab... hehe, nice site btw!