Saturday, December 19, 2009
Merry Christmas WYDIANS
Its been a while since i left... Im quite suprise some of my buddy still recognizes me... Thanks.
Whoah... im quite surprise in the latest version of wyd... Not happy in the inventory though, cant afk for a very long time cuz the inventory always gets full... But at least its a scam proof (*i guess so) since the items cannot be dropped...
GTG... Im happy i have my baby back.. he3
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Is it really a goodbye too, my other PH buddies?
Anyways... I wonder why my other friends quitted... its only 3 months since Ive left WYD GLOBAL... i was planning to play wyd again... Too many people left in Blitzkrieg after JB and NoWayJose quited.. (so sad). I guess everything is not permanent..... I miss you guys.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hi everyone.. I miss the wydian community...
Well, im trying to work things out before i come back as a wydian.. Too busy lately... since i will be graduating this year as an Electronics Engineer.. I cant wait to have that license as an Engineer someday. I hope everyone in the PH academy and especially to Blitzkreig.... I know you all out there are already PROs.. so kick the some enemy's butt at the GuildWars... ha3.
TC always... I miss you guys..
BTW i wonder what uno22 looks like right now? ha3. i miss you buddy...
Friday, August 7, 2009
I think i did the right thing to quit.. for now (i hope so). I was hoping to come back after everything is settled in my school.... Sometimes its hard to have the best of both worlds. Yeah, i know uno22 is in a good hands right now..... bOggIeBoTzZ and toorax09 will take good care of my characters. I hope you enjoy my dam72 anct isis toorax ^^.
I heard what happened to NoWayJosE's ban... I am praying that everything will be back to normal and all of your accounts will be unbanned... I am always in my facebook playing my Mafia Wars..
Ok... gtg.. i miss cm lollipop already XP.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Appreciation 2
click here for the part 1
Ok... I felt that in my part 1 of my previous entry Appreciation 1, there is something lacking in my post. Something that i forgot to put. Someone that I appreciate the most for helping me always. Yeah... I want to feature someone who I respect the most.
Well, first he is a friend of mine. He is my Sub-Guild Leader in my Guild Heroes there in Supreme Destiny PH. Currently, he is our Guild Leader/Sub-Leader here in Biltzkrieg. He change name about 3 times now. Ha3. Im talking about NoWayJose. (Yahoo!!! ha3 Dont PK me when you read this WHAHAHA!!!).
NoWayJose is more popular to the PH WYD players in his name NODOC because that is his original name there in the Supreme Destiny PH. Even we PH people called him NODOC rather than NoWayJosE, because we used to called him NODOC for a very long time. Although i called him NODOC or DOCskie/DOC in-game, i will mention his name here as NoWayJose so that everyone can relate. I'll grabe the oportunity of this topic to show my greatest gratitude to him. I wanna make a little something in return for his great help for me.
OK... NoWayJosE is been my Sub-Guild Leader since Supreme Destiny PH time. One of respected ones because he is also known for his Good Leaderiship and very Kind person. Im so happy when i first found out that he will playing here in WYD GLOBAL after SD.PH closes. At least some good people will be here in the WYD GLOBAL like NoWayJosE.
Respected in the sense that he is been treating our Guild like we are his second family. In every feud inside our guild, he is always there to fix the fight. Although he is very PRO here in WYD, still he is very Approachable and Humble as a player. He is always there to help us, not just one, but many many many times. Too many to mention. Men, sometimes i want to refuse his offer in helping me because he done a lot for me. Im glad that he is still my Sub-Guild Leader until today.
Yeah... if your reading this right now NoWayJosE, he3..... Thank you.
btw, thats NoWayJosE (NODOC) in the picture.....

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Appreciation- A refelction about things i must be grateful for.....
"Im so happy that i play WYD GLOBAL... The events, the blogs, the drawing and singing, everything... It is my first time to show everything about me here in WYD"
"My blogging experience here in WYD are one of the best things in my WYDIAN life, For the first time, someone Appreciate everything i wrote there.... Men, THANKS"
"Old friends come and go. Although they're gone, still we are Best Buddies...forever"
"Through Thick and Thin, were always there for each other"
"I Appreciate the simple things here in WYD...."
"THANKS uno22, my best character ever, It doesn't matter anymore if were not that strong.. The time we spent together is what matters. I wish that i can still pilot you till the end of time"
"Thanks, for bringing the Best in me here in WYD.... ^^ I Really Appreciate it"
Everytime i sing that song Best of me (BTW Best of me by Blue is one of my favorite songs), it always reminds me that I have to be grateful to everyone who bring the best in me here in WYD.
WYD GLOBAL/SD.PH are my first online game in my entire life. They're like they came from nowhere and BOOM! WYD GLOBAL crash right in front of my laptop. They're like angels sent from heaven. (I know, that phrase is corny. But i like it. XP) Even though i have some nice things now in my character and financially stable her in WYD, still what I appreciate the most is during my noob mortal days where I used to cling myself behind PH Academy for water party. For me, the best part of my WYDIAN life is when your still noob, you appreciate the simple things in life, like free horse, free dam 45 wepons, free +6 sets. Everythings start there, even gaining friends. Also, the happy memories i gain during my noob days are priceless, no one can replace that.
Im so grateful and happy that through this experience here in wyd, along with the blogging and events, i never though that i will share everything here in WYD... The singing, writing, drawing and such... This are the things that i thought i can never do here over the net. This things are my personal things that my family and some friends only knows. Dang, i know i suck at this thing, im not that confident at that time...
Now, i wrote anything that pops in my head. I write everyday in blog for entertainment of everyone, and hopefully the readers enjoy my FanMade stories, the drawing of my comics, my daily activities here in my WYD, the crazy stunts uno22 did in my blog (like in the Paparazzi Article, one of my favorite post) and the singing of course....
Sometimes i ask my self, why did i do this crazy things, like singing where everyone around the world can hear me.. men, that so embarassing. But i guess, because of the experience and confidence that i have learned here in WYD, i guess 'WYD bring out the best in me that no one else can do...' Ha3. The lyrics came from the BLUE popular song "Best in me". Funny though, it really did bring the best in me everytime i join the Events here in WYD. Somehow, WYD did change me for the better. I guess the Team behind WYD GLOBAL deserve some credit for there "out of this world events", but hey we never thought that some WYDIANS here have talents.... not to mention its fun participating in there events.
(This post is dedicated to my character: uno22. She is not just my character, but she is my best Buddy)
I appreciate the things me and uno22 do together. uno22 is my best buddy for about 1 1/2 years now. I never change my Main character's name beacause uno22 is so special to me. Were like partners in crime in everything we do. The quality time i spent with her is quite amazing. We explore everything here in WYD together. I wish that i can pilot my uno22 till the end of time.... Ill be forever thankful that i became your pilot uno22.
Well... i hate to say goodbye in this event, since this will be the final week. I will miss writing in my blog. I might still write something in my blog every week since I'm starting to love blogging. I will always remember my best blogging experience here in WYD. If i never met WYD, i will not experience the amazing experience of blogging. ^^,
Friday, July 17, 2009
28 things most girls dont know
28 things most girls dont know
Guys hate sl**s even though they have "that thing" with them! (oh’re not "popular" if you’ve slept with more than 6’re a HOE)
–Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about. –Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.
–Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him
–Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
–Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they’re still loved.
–Don’t talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.
–Guys get jealous easily.
–Guys are more emotional than they’d like people to think.
–Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh…nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he’ll assume he did something wrong and he’ll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
–Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like. –A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
–Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
–Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn’t notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
–Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy’s confused, then we’re all confused.
–When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me." –If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen that often, so when it does, you know something’s up.
–If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you’re with your boyfriend, he’s probably jealous and likes you.
–When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don’t say you aren’t. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don’t want you to disagree with them. –When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he’s definitely thinking something.
–Guys don’t like girls who punch harder than they do. –A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
–Don’t be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
–Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
–Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.
–If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don’t say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren’t interested in a relationship and they will respect you.
–Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them. –When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Reflection of my First day of Freedom......
Well, so i got online and talk to some of my friends who are online at that moment... Well boggiebotz, toorax09III and IBRUC seems to be the only online here... funny, i didnt say my goodbyes. Instead we talk and talk and talk. What a day, im so happy again. Men, my heart melted when i see my friends again.
Toorax09III told me that if I'm going to leave 3 months from now then there is nothing we can do about it. But please don't do it quickly like a snap, just do it one step at a time. And yeah, he miss me.
Then i realize, hmmmm, COME WHAT MAY. Whatever happens, one thing for sure. I cant let got WYD that easily. Men, even though i might be gone forever 3 months from now, now i know its part of life to let go some things for the better good. But, it is also best not worry for the future and instead, start enjoying the present while you still can. I already give my pass to my sister Terra just in case.....
Well, now i know how it feels like when you die in real life and many people around you mourns for your death... happy thoughts suddenly flashbacks in your mind. So sad but happy at the same time... Oh well. Come what may what the future will be. I miss my uno22 =c

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Where to start. Well first, 3 months from now im leaving because i will have my first On the Job Training in some company. I dont know what company but one thing for sure, there no internet there. I talk some of my teachers and some person who already experience the On the Job training and they said it normally last until March-June. So... From October to March i will gone. Then after The on the job training i will then review for my license in Engineering, hopefully i will be called Engr uno22. he3.
I felt in the past few days, im having a hard time thinking what will be my future with my uno22. Most of my vacant times i always dedicate it to my WYD. Until such time i realize i didnt have time for my friends and my family. So i guess i will spent my remaining months bonding with my friends and my family. Im literary in tears at that time. I guess this is goodbye.
btw, if ever it happens i win that isis dam 72 i will still give it to toorax. ha3.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Infernal Affairs
Anyway ive watch the movie. At first yehey I love Cops and spies and stuff like that. But the plot is blurry i think, maybe becuase of Sub-Title english translation im reading. Dang my eyes are aching. In the end, its all worth it. Wew i like the twist and the unexpected ending.
Anyways, the story is about Hon Sam, boss. Sam is sending a number of young newbies to the police academy to train as a police at the same time to become a Spy to the Police department. one of them is Lau Kin-Ming. At the same time another person named Chen Wing-Yan is in the academy too. Yan is expelled from the academy despite of his excellent performance. In reality Yan becomes an undercover reporting directly to only Wong and Yip. Yan's job becomes complicated while Ming quickly climbs his way in the police department. In short, Chen Wing-Yan goes deep undercover in the Triad Society, while Triad member Lau Kin-Ming infiltraes the police department.
Great twist though, Ming became a "good guy " police officer while Yan died because Yan got headshot by one of "Mole"-mates (name not mentioned) of Ming. Then eventually the same person was also killed on purpose by Ming to erase any traces of connection between the gang. (the "Mole"-mates volunteer to do that for Ming).All i can say is that the objectives of both parties are like playing chess, attacking the opponent internally is more effective by having as much spy or Mole as possible. I like the morse code thing they do and the Phrase" If ever you see someone not paying attention to what he is doing but his eyes is on you, then definitely he is a COP". Kinda applicable to GM hades XP. One thing that bothers me, is Ming the bad guy of the story? It is quite complicated, considering the fact that Yan died for his selfishly attempt to change his destiny and became a "good guy". Not to mention Ming delete his criminal record as well as Yan's record so that no trace of evidence will remain. Well the ending is quite similar to the ending of Angels and Demon. Thats what make this movie more interesting. You cannot easily identify who is the antagonist of the story.
I made a 7 page comic strip manually drawn by me (i finish this quickly in 3 hours since i have many things to do in the house XP). The concept is also the same in Infernal Affairs , about two people who is about to betray there friendship to one another for the loyalty of there Boss. Enjoy. One thing i learn from this movies is that the environment that surrounds you always give strong influence to the person, whether it is good or bad influence.
Click the picture for greater quality. ^^
Friday, July 10, 2009
Picture Perfect.....
We were like instant Celebrity. Everyone went taking SS with us.
Change Costume:
Even though i love my Doggy transformation.. I having a hardtime with it. They cannot see myself holding my Weapon (Isis). Not to mention my name isn't appearing in the screen. So i change my transformation into a troll insteal.
Well, people went crazy in the armia. We cant SS ourselve properly. So we go inside our guildhouse for some privacy... He3 im having a BLAST!.. thanks for making my day.
Zzzz Bad Day for generals
Well first, at 0gt, Generals kinda late... I wonder why?
Oh well. Still patiently waiting for the generals. After 15min of waiting finally GM announce the Generals (attention WYDIANs yadi yada... that kind of msg). BUt before that some mortal is bugging me and begging for any items. Of course i dont wanna rude so i talk to that mortal then i gave him 2 MP earings i just hunt in the Underworld.
Then after of our little conversation, suddenly i forgot to read where the server of the GENERALS. WHAAA..Cursed that mortal, oh well im dont wanna be rude at that time. Im on a panic. Where is the server of the generals? I ask No one seems to reply my question. Where could everyone be? OMG. My friends might already gone to whatever server it is.
Good things my friend bOggIeBoTzZ reply and told me the server of generals is on s2... yah so im kinda on the rush to go to the generals. Well the minute i step in the mobs of Generals. Ive got DC, not once, not twice but TRICE!!! dang it! well in the end i only got 5 ori scraps. Ouch... very bad day indeed. oh well. No ori powder for today.... =c
Thursday, July 9, 2009
FACEBOOK quiz: How Well Do you Know WYDGLOBAL
Just browsing my Facebook when i saw this funny quiz... How well do you know (Name of your Friend)?... Well, i answer my friend's quiz. I use my every knowledge possible to have a almost perfect score. Well, im not expecting this after my 110% effort. Most of it failure and quite disappointing scores... Shame of me, to think they are my friends. Well I answer WYDGLOBAL's question. Quite Tricky but i manage to answer most of it correct except from some part: Take a look at this (im soo dead with my answer in the Lightbringer part T T). Score 6/9.
1) | GM Osiris is sometimes called by the Community Scouts as? |
a) | Daddy |
b) | Fafa |
c) | Papi |
d) | Papa |
e) | Father |
-ehem how should i know that?
2) | Who is the first ever Community Manager of WYD Global who appear in-game? |
a) | Dhar |
b) | Nyx |
c) | Aruman |
d) | Mickey |
e) | Tonbarry |
3) | Who is the GM that will bombarred you with smilies while talking? |
a) | Odin |
b) | Hades |
c) | Freya |
d) | Hel |
e) | Aesir |
4) | Lightbringers in-game character is named |
a) | Lucifer |
b) | Luciferre |
c) | Lightbringer |
d) | Samael |
e) | Satan |
5) | The GM who uses the weirdest avatar among the team. |
a) | Loki |
b) | Osiris |
c) | Odin |
d) | Hades |
e) | Aesir |
-The (secret) picture thingy... Very uhm, well, hmmmm... unique?
6) | This is the most used phrase that you can find in Q and A's |
a) | Thank you for using,,, |
b) | Please be informed |
Yah.. like a million times they always mention that in Q n A.
7) | A GM who used on having a Sucubus character |
a) | Freya |
b) | Loki |
c) | Aesir |
d) | Hel |
e) | Odin |
-I know this answer for sure....
8) | What is the title of our latest contest? |
a) | Spread the Wydians Love |
b) | WYD Fansign Contest |
c) | WYD Global's Facebook Event |
d) | I Love Wyd event |
e) | Luci = Emo event |
-Well, i participated this event 4 week straight. That phrase stilll stucks in my head up until now.
9) | What is the official current plurk url of WYD Global |
a) | |
b) | |
-well kinda cheated on this part. I check the plurk which on exist XP.
Hmmm... At least i've got an average score. But dang'it, i have second thoughts on the LightBringer's part . Oh well, Honsest mistake.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Living Again the Past: Jackum Castle,
Well, first i made my new character (the name is a secret, i wanna have 1 char that only I knows. Even my friends dont know that char.) Well while hunting some ticks in the Troll, i hunt something that i didnt expect that i will reminense again the past of my gaming experience of EPISODE 1. I saw a Jackum Key. I remember, me with my friend used to hunt this everytime we are leveling up in the Trolls near the entrance of the Underworld when the game used to be NO CC HUNT in episode 1. Everytime either of us hunt a jackum key, we always play it in the Jackum Castle and try have the Red Dragoon Fairy thinggy (I forgot the name XP). I wonder where my friends right now? Anyway...
Well, as i enter the Jackum Castle. I felt an funny feeling. I felt the goosebumps in my hands. The Castle that once are filled with mortal players playing in the Jackum Castle now remain nothing but an empty ruin. Hunting sound of silent in the Jackum Castle makes me feel much sadder than before. A very sad feeling if you ask me. Well, i ask myself again if i still wanna do this? Yeah, i wanna do it just like the old times. So I enter the jackum castle, hunt down the Keys to the Jackum Lord and Slayed it. Well i got my prize, the dragon fairy thinggy. Then i tell to myself:
Just like the old times, hayzzz. =c
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Clean House WYD edition.
Well coincidencially, while watching this show, I'm also busy cleaning my stroge. Quite messy, unarrange stuffs that i get in the Previous Box Hunt Event, (warrior glitter, etc). So many laks and ori that are not packed yet. Many Gems, Ess, trash and etc. It took me about 1 hour and still not finished.... Well. I manage to to pack all my laks/ori. Thats a good start. Maybe because i didnt vend anything for the past few day because of the Hunt Box event. Not to mention im too busy in my exam, blogging, chatting and such. Well after this [blog] i will resume my cleaning spree in my storage. I hope i finish it soon....
Oh gtg, Generals......
Clean storage at least everyday. I dont wanna experience this kind of dilemma again.
Friday, July 3, 2009
3am here in PH whose still awake?
hmmm im one the few people in the PH who is still awake till 3am. Well im not sure who still awake beside me.. So i make a little simple test. I found that its girlsmack79 is still awake, no surprise. Shes always consistent. Shes always awake till morning. Where did she get that strenght to wake up that late? lol as if i dont wake that late too. he3. No wonder shes my friend, there something in common between us XP. Dont kill me girlsmack ifever your reading this XP.
Oh w8. This is no right. I was about to sleep when i found out toorax09 still awake too. thats something new. Normally he is snorring at the time like this. hA3. Im keeping an eye for my friends/guildmates for quite sometime about my little survey and i found out girlmack and me are always awake at the time like this. So...
Conclusion: We need professional help XP. Maybe a nice psychiatrist will do he3. ha3 were to adictus in this game, no wonder.
Paparazzi II
Hmmm... WYD Cele-bs. Fans Love them, Haters Hate them, Gawkers gossips on them, paparazzii invade there private lives. Nell profits in there Wcoin.
I wonder, who is the Britney, Paris and Lohan of WYD? Or BrAngelina of WYD? What about the 4 judges American Idol? One thing for sure, i know the Perez Hilton of WYD. he3
What did they do to deserve such attention?
Does Cele-Bs even more powerful than the GM?
How come someone gone from nobody to somebody that fast?
Some join events ending wanting GM Loki to have her baby XP.,
Some Pking there way to the Top of the Ranks.
Some went singing in there blogs like that guy... whats the name of that guy again?... Wait... Give me a sec....Its in the tip of my tongue.... dang, i forgot his name. Anyway
JB-Devil, Famous for her gossip, CS, Composer, Writer, Gawker (you name it), once told me "getting ban is like having a vacation. Its more fun." Hmmm. No wonder she wrote the Fragger Song. I cant get through the minds of this Cele-bs. Its too complex for us normal Wydians to understand the way they think. Not to mention Its so degrading when you see yourself standing beside a Cele-bs.
So i leave myself no choice.. Ill make another Paparazzi game.. Maybe i can explore deeper the lifestyle of this celebs(Just for laughs XP)... I might learn something out of this. Paparazzi are not only known for there flashy cameras, but they always ask so many questions to the celebs while taking the shots. Quite annoying, dont you think? Well see how Terra invade uno22's life. (a.k.a. fustrated Cele-bs wanna bee)
But before that, lets look back what happened last time in Paparazzii
(for the benefit of those who didn't read the Part 1 of Paparazzii)
Terra is a paparazzii that always follow uno22. Accidentally, Terra found out who is uno22's currently dating... Well after that, uno22's date run for his life to avoid any publicity. uno22 is so furious of that paparazzii that she attempt to Rapid hit Terra. But she forgot she in neutral zone, so she leave no choice but to run for her life as well....
Now, Terra once again invade uno22:
Terra: Speculation says JB-Devil is jealous of your rising fame?
uno22: Shes a big star. What more can i say?
Terra: People says JB-Devil writing gossips against you.
uno22: Well duh, I love to be in the center of attention, Everything must be focus on me.
Terra: What will you do if it is actually true?
uno22: Stay pretty all day for my fans. I dont go Cheap. I can handle things with classe
Terra: you look pretty when you're hang out in noaton.
uno22: I know right?... its so hard when your popular.
Terra: but JB mention your fat?
uno22: Ouch.. I broke my nail. ehehheh.... your saying something? (am i that fat?)
Terra: You hunt here more often?
uno22: Sometimes
Terra: or you cc frag here more often?
uno22: no
Terra: sometimes then?
uno22: ehhehehe... (Dont forget, were in PK area. Wanna Die?) *still smiling
Terra: well?
uno22: did you hear who won the s4 guild war?
Terra: Yeah as usual. TC won.
uno22: I know right? There so pro, just like me.(Men that was close, im almost slipped)
One thing i observe about them is that Celebs dont give direct answers.I get this question most of the time:
Terra: Whats new with you?
uno22: Uhmmm not that much. Popular as usual.
Terra: What Level are you?
uno22: the usual...
Terra: Really? yeah right.
uno22: Yeah
Terra: How much did you earn lately?
uno22: You're not reading WYD FORBES? Go check my current earnings.
Terra: is your Set +15
uno22: nah, not yet
Terra: what do you mean not yet?, cele-Bs are not poor you know.
uno22: Well i might someday, too busy meeting with my fans.
Terra: Aren't you intimidated knowing some of people already have +13 sets?
uno22: hehehe. Why should i?
Terra: cuz everyone think your the weakest, not to mention calling you"Dumb Blond", any comment?
uno22: Haters, is it my fault that im popular? Uhmm. Im starving, Ill grab some lunch. BB
Terra: oO
Terra: Ever consider in applying in CS
uno22: I might.
Terra: For what reason?
uno22: I wanna help WYDIANS.
Terra: How?
uno22: Staying pretty all day in armia, making public appearance. It sure boost the economy of whatever server I visit. Besides my popularity is enough to make any servers to be FULL.
Terra: Wow thats great, might as well consider visiting our server 2?
uno22: I might, just talk to my manager.
Despite of that, Cele-Bs dont let there guard down. I bet Cele-bs are also witty perons when someone is trying invade there personal life. One thing for sure, Cele-bs makes the WYD go round.
How can you consider someone a Cele-bs? Well i made a quick list.
1. Pro Player
2. Pro Coiner
3. Pro Gossiper
4. Pro CC Fragger
5. CS pips
6. GM and CM (by default)
7. Event Winners: By drawing, and singing
8. Ruler of the Rank System.
One thing for sure, uno22 is a trying hard cele-Bs Wanna bee. Ha3
uno22: not funny! ><
Before i end my Blog entry, i wanna share to you one of my favorite song called Paparazzi (Acoustic Version) by lady gaga. A true celebrity and a trend setter,causing a great impact to the music industry. The lyrics are fun to sing... A love song with a little twist of Cameras, Celebrity and Paparazzi..
By: Lady Gaga
We are the crowd,
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on, it's true
Need that picture of you
It so magical
We'd be so fantastico
Leather and jeans
Garage Glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us it don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights,
Cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be
Your Papa-paparazzi
Promise I'll be kind,
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous, chase you down
until you love me, papa-paparazzi
I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show,
Velvet ropes and guitars,
Yeah, cause you're my rockstar
In between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes
Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and we turn
My lashes are dry
Purple teardrops I cry
It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that baby I
Im your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that i'll be
Your Papa-paparazzi
Promise i'll be kind,
But i won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
Thursday, July 2, 2009
School 101
Hmmm... another day , no WYD how sad hu3. My class starts from 7am to 7pm. Currently im busy on my programing class. A little patience, ill be graduating this year in my engineering. I wonder if WYD can give me a job if ever i get my license in Electronics and Communication Engineering he3. I just found out lately that our jobs can also be in Netwoking and a such. Sorry for that, im just sharing one of my wildest dreams.
Its hard, my professor is teaching us how to hack a game account, especially WYD GLOBAL Account. ha3 Kidding, Dont bann me for 1 week only 3 days. LMAO!... nah, the program im working right now is not for hacking or any illegal works. Its for a Microprocessor, right now were brainstorming what to do, either we make a robot (ambitious its very hard to program that!), make a wireless paging system, or Digital security system. Well, i hope we can decide sooner or later. Just sharing my activities in school.
BTW, Just read CM loli's Plurk... i found out something..
take a look at this link:
Playing dirty eh? ha3.. i dont mind, just dont push it too hard. Karma is so strong you know....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Micheal Jackson Marathon. Part 1 the Moon walk
Sad, we will never gonna see Micheal Jackson's slick moonwalk move ever again. T T*Sniffle.
uno22: whats with the sad faces? Sure, Micheal Jackson passed away, but his moves lives forever...
Yeah, your right uno22. There no need to be sad. Were here to have fun. Ok, Wanna learn how to moonwalk? Whooaaa! Hee! Hee! *Micheal Jackson Signiture Falsetto. Micheal Jackson's signiture moonwalk make people crazy in learning that slick move.
Men, who's excited right now?
Terra: I do! I do!
Now the dance guru uno22 will gonna show some slick moves of her moonwalk... uno22, the floor is yours:
uno22: ok, im gonna make floor on fire baby! hee! hee! i gonna show to you the moon walk. For starters,

Get on the moon. The appeal of the moonwalk lies in its incredible smoothness, and while you can try it anywhere, it helps to be on a smooth, flat, non-stick surface, like in the Guild house or in Armia town. Stay away from rough or uneven surfaces like Noaton dessert.
Move into the L-position. Lift your right leg and place the toes of your right foot facing the floor, approximately a foot behind your left leg.
Find your balance by increasing the width between your legs and feet until you feel stable. A good rule of thumb is to have them about 3-6 inches (the width of one of your feet) apart.
Slide your left heel back and "into" the floor (as you lean back on your right leg) so that your left foot finishes behind the right leg. During this, the heel of your right foot should still remain in the air, with the toes pointed down on the floor.
Snap the heel of your left foot up off the floor as you simultaneously snap the heel of your right foot down. Now you are in the L-position again, but this time with your feet switched.
Repeat the previous two steps, flipping the roles of your left and right foot.
Add a head movement to help create the illusion of "moonwalking." As you slide your leg back, move your head forward as if it's being left behind in the movement. Then pull it back to the body as you switch to the other foot.
uno22: easy! did you enjoy that? Im sure Micheal Jackson is going to be so proud of you... Im sure of that.
Well practice some more till you master the moonwalk. WHoooaaa. Men im tired, but i have a lot of fun coz' uno22 is a good instructor. It sure keeps the floor on fire baby!.
watch out for part 2 of my Micheal Jackson Marathon.
special thanks to for the instructions on how to moonwalk.
CM lolli's Primary Pic, remind me of something.
I just browsing CM Loli's plurk when i saw his Primary photo... Errr.. I know where picture came from. Its korean music video, one of my favorites he3 here is the video:
I just wanna show you a video dedicated to CM Lollipop... The two group are Big Bang and 2ne1. Yeah.. its a korean singers( and im a PH, so technically i dont know every word they're singing XP) , but i love this video because it remind me always of CM Lollipop and its so colorful. Also one of the singers is also a famous PH actress, and also my favorite actress, name Dara aka Sandara Parks. I remeber in Shout for joy event, there is a question that goes like this:
Who's the leader of 2ne1?
I know the answere since im familiar of the this group. But the thing is i dont hav a shout, So OnlyKim answered it first....
i bet this question came from GM Loki since she is also a Korean too. he3. Go ask her the translation of the song.
just wanna share some of things that swirls in my head right now....
BTW, in your blog recently, uno22 is an impostor in your comment!! whaaa I dont talk like that especially to OnlyKim. I love CS MALAY! I have a feeling i've been gawked. zzzz
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
There Still Sunshine after the Rain
1. Out of many entry in Fathers Day Event, i'm the one of the 9 winners. MEN, THANKS GM!!!.. Not only that Most of my friend win as well. Besty, Oliveness, Darkspeed and JangoHyu. Wow. Grats guys. All our efforts paid off, ^^.
2. I love the 2 topics for 3rd week blog. Very controversial though... I need to explore new ideas. I still love YOU MJ.
3. Hmmm. Im happy since all of my responsibility in my school are all over!! Its nice to have a cool relaxing break after whole week on working my butts off my REPORTS, ASSIGNMENTS, LAB, QUIZZES Etc. you name it. I playing my WYD with no other problems to worry in my head... MY baby [WYD] did you miss me? he3
4. Im getting ready for our Choral this week. (it an annual event here in our school). Last year we won 2nd place. I hope we win this time. Check it out the 2 video of our last year performance or in my youtube link on the left >>>>>
It is sang in PH language, but just listen the voices and how the choral goes ^^. Im singing the Tenor part of the choral. btw, im in in last person on the right facing you. nyay.
Well... There Still Sunshine after the Rain, although your getting wet sometimes XP
Micheal Jackson Marathon. Part 1 the Moon walk
Men, who's excited right now?
Terra: I do! I do!
Now the dance guru uno22 will gonna show some slick moves of her moonwalk... uno22, the floor is yours:
uno22: ok, im gonna make floor on fire baby! hee! hee! i gonna show to you the moon walk. For starters,

Get on the moon. The appeal of the moonwalk lies in its incredible smoothness, and while you can try it anywhere, it helps to be on a smooth, flat, non-stick surface, like in the guildhouse or in Armia town. Stay away from rough or uneven surfaces like noaton dessert.
Find your balance by increasing the width between your legs and feet until you feel stable. A good rule of thumb is to have them about 3-6 inches (the width of one of your feet) apart.
Slide your left heel back and "into" the floor (as you lean back on your right leg) so that your left foot finishes behind the right leg. During this, the heel of your right foot should still remain in the air, with the toes pointed down on the floor.
Snap the heel of your left foot up off the floor as you simultaneously snap the heel of your right foot down. Now you are in the L-position again, but this time with your feet switched.
Repeat the previous two steps, flipping the roles of your left and right foot.
Add a head movement to help create the illusion of "moonwalking." As you slide your leg back, move your head forward as if it's being left behind in the movement. Then pull it back to the body as you switch to the other foot.